Netiquette is the etiquette of the Internet. Etiquette is like a social code of conduct. So basically, netiquette is the Internet code of conduct that everybody should follow while online. Good netiquette is important because without it, people on the Internet will view you as a bad person, a person that they don't want to associate with. If you have good netiquette, people on the Internet will be nice to you too like respond to your e-mails or posts. To have good netiquette, you should not use all capital letters or else people will think you are screaming because they can't see your body language/ expressions, you should not spam, you should treat others the way you want to be treated, you should act like you act in real life, and you should use your writing skills. You would use netiquette when trying to e-mail someone, commenting on something, posting something, and in other places.
My netiquette is not good but not bad. I use manners sometimes, but other times I don't when someone has a different opinion than mine. I don't go berserk and write in all caps and say bad words, but I don't like to hear the other side's point of view. I need to work on my netiquette by being more polite and patient.
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